Tuesday, September 1, 2009

AB 590 Language Issue Resolved for the Benefit of Self-Help Legal Service Providers

This morning, ALDAP received correspondence from Deputy Chief Counsel Baker, of the House Judiciary Committee.

After consideration of the concerns raised by ALDAP, regarding the provision of self-help legal services by a variety of professionals - in addition to registered legal document assistants and unlawful detainer assistants - it appears that the recommendation is to amend AB 590 by striking subsections 6159.52(b) and 6159.52(c) in their entirety.

The Legislature is, appropriately, concerned with striking a proper balance with regard to public policy, and the implications of hastily drafting an exception for LDAs or any other self-help legal services provider. The issues surrounding 6159.52(b) and 6159.52(c) may be revisted in the future, when there is more time available to craft language that will have the desired effect.

I believe we can rest easy. ALDAP will participate in Friday's hearing just to make certain that the bill, should it move forward, does so absent the restrictive language. We are pleased that ALDAP was able to bring our issues to the legislators and that they responded quickly and affirmatively to our inquiry.

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